15.90m/ 52.2 Ft Luxury Sailing Yacht - برشلونة قارب المواثيق

حول هذا اليخت

52 Ft Luxury Sailing Yacht, designed by Studio Vallicelli and built by Comar Yachts, is luxurious and beautifully finished. If you\'re planning a high-end, private Mediterranean sailing trip. Your greatest hopes will be met by our lovely yacht.

The yacht comes with a professional skipper, so you may relax onboard, go swimming, or have a good time while we take care of any special requests you might have.

Dimensions: Length 52 Ft, Beam 15.3 Ft, Draft 7.9 Ft

Boat Capacity: 11 PAX + Captain

Speed of the Boat:
Cruising Speed: 12 Knots 

- Cabins
- Toilet on Board

Features & Comfort:
- Music System: On board, there is a stereo system with indoor and outdoor speakers. Your mobile device may be connected through Bluetooth, USB, or uni jack cable.
- Safety Equipment: Life jackets and required safety equipment.

تفاصيل الرحلة

On this lovely, opulent sailing yacht, take your friends or family on a lovely private sailing trip off the coast of Barcelona. Experience the skill of sailing while enjoying a refreshing beverage and snack on our large teak deck and sunbathing.
  • thumb اختر القارب الذي تختاره
  • thumb املأ نموذج طلب الحجز البسيط الخاص بنا
  • thumb سوف نؤكد في غضون ساعتين
  • thumb دفع الإيداع والرصيد في وقت الإيجار

نقدم الرحلات التالية

  • Private Trip (Per Hour)
    €350 EUR

    (Nov - Apr )€350 EUR
    (May - Oct )€450 EUR

    The cost per yacht
    Low season: €350 (November till April)
    Summertime: €450 (May till October)
    Each additional hour: €150

    - Boarding, whenever you like for your own luxury sailing trip off the stunning Barcelona coast. Experience the Barcelona skyline from a different angle with your own gathering of no more than eleven persons. Release the moorings, then leave the port. Clearly spot some of Barcelona\'s onshore attractions, such as the massive "W Vela Hotel" and the city\'s twin towers.
    - The breeze will gently move your yacht out to sea while you enjoy the complimentary cool beverages and refreshments. Take in the stunning deep blue of the Mediterranean and the breathtaking perspective of Barcelona\'s skyscrapers to get a quick overview of how the city has changed from ancient times to the present.
    - If the weather permits, anchor and go for a short swim. Discover some of the local aquatic animals, such as dolphins, turtles, moonfish, and sunfish.
    - Onboard beverages include water, soda, white and red wine, cava, and beers.

    Includes: Yacht rent, the services of a professional Skipper, Drinks (water, soda, white and cava and beers) and Some snacks.

    - VAT/GST/Other similar Taxes
    - Round Transportation (Hotel pickup and drop-off)
    - Towels

    What should you pack for a sailing excursion?
    - Wear appropriate for the weather,
    - Sunblock,
    - Summertime swimwear,
    - Towel,
    - A camera and a hat

    - You are welcome to bring your own ready-to-eat food and drinks of your choice.
    - An elder must be with children at all times.

    ساعات إضافية 150 EUR

الأسئلة الشائعة

هل من الضروري أن أشعر بالقلق من إصابتي بدوار البحر؟
ما هو الفرق بين الميثاق الخاص والميثاق العادي / المشترك / العام؟
هل تقدمون مواثيق عارية؟
ما هي المعلومات التي تحتاجها مني لترسل لي عرض أسعار لاستئجار قارب؟
ما هي شروط الدفع الخاصة بك؟
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اختر وقت وتاريخ إيجار القارب


أسئلة أو طلبات

تفاصيل الاتصال الخاصة بك

حساب السعر

معدل الافتراضي: 800 USD

Pax مشمول في معدل التخلف عن السداد: 4

سعر المسافر الإضافي: 80 USD

السعر الأساسي: 550 USD

السعر الكلي: 550 USD

إيداع 0 USD

الرصيد: 550 USD

لا يوجد دفع مطلوب حتى الآن!
1 / سنرسل إليك تأكيدًا لتوافر القارب أولاً.
2 / إذا قررت المضي قدمًا وحجز الإيجار ، فما عليك سوى النقر فوق رابط الدفع ، لدفع وديعة صغيرة (بحد أقصى 15٪). سيتم إرسال رابط الدفع مع تأكيد التوفر.
3 / عند دفع الوديعة ، ستتلقى تأكيدًا تفصيليًا للرحلة.
الشهادات - التوصيات

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